Mckay Creek - 500m south of intersection Barron Canyon Rd / south road

Mckay Creek

Ontario, Canada

This part of Mckay Creek goes through a wetland.

Location created by
Jordan Wakefield

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Sky:Sunny, clear skies
Wind: 7Km/h
Humidity: 88%
Pressure: 101.6 kPa
Elevation: 205m
18T 0314738
Total Dissolved Solids: 20ppm
The substrate of the creek is silt in this location. There is a large wetland the creek flows through. There is some garbage around the area (for example: cans near the trail, car tire, some metal). The dominant tree species around the creek is white pine. The water is the lower than usual.
White pine
White Spruce

Raccoon (seen tracks)
Great Blue Heron (seen Tracks)
Pileated Woodpecker (heard it's wuk call)
Mallards (2 were in the water)
Ruffed Grouse (seen tracks)
Eastern Chipmunks

15 Sep 09:45 by Jordan Wakefield