Fryent Country Park


London, Brent, United Kingdom

Neil has been sampling water quality at this site. Concentrations of ammonia and phosphate with the Hanna Checkers are quite high in dry spells.

Location created by
Philly Nicholls

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outfall source 40m upstream phosphate reading 1.51

06 Oct 11:45 by Neil Marchant

Phosphate reading at oufall 1.51mg/l taken 12.45pm

Pollution incident reported to Environment Agencyh

06 Oct 11:45 by Neil Marchant

site located 40m from outfall inflow upstream. phosphate reading at outfall 1.00mg/l. Dilution effect? to be investigated.

stream has long standing reputation for misconnections locally.

04 Oct 14:15 by Neil Marchant

hanna checker, phosphate LR limit exceeded (flashing)

19 Sep 15:00 by Neil Marchant

Hanna checker. phosphate reading steady

13 Aug 16:00 by Neil Marchant

Hanna checker

06 Aug 16:15 by Neil Marchant