Crescent Beach

Lake Erie

Ontario, Canada

Public Beach area at the end of Crescent Road

Location created by
Mike Pressacco

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There was some natural debris on the water surface. No immediate discharge. Evidence of fishing, boating and swimming. No algae was present. Water flow was steady and water level was average. Water colour was a brownish grey and cloudy. There was no odor present. There was decaying aquatic plant-life along the shoreline.

24 Aug 09:15 by Mike Pressacco

Aquatic plants and some algae in water. Evidence of both swimming and boating. Water flow was steady and water level average. Water colour was brown and cloudy. No odour was present. Wildlife included 2 Canada Geese and 2 sparrows.

27 Jul 09:10 by Mike Pressacco

Approximately 25 Canada Geese in area. Evidence of fishing, swimming and boating. No algae in water. Water Flow was steady and water level was average. Water colour was a clear greenish colour. Water was clear and there was no odour.

*This was a newly created site, as testing at Waverly Beach was not practical due to the excessive amount of Cladophora on both the beach and in the water.

13 Jul 09:20 by Mike Pressacco