Black Bass bay

Mississippi Lake

Ontario, Canada


Location created by
Jane Smith

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just noticed that my Chemetrics dissolved oxygen reference samples have an exp date of June 2021. The self-filling ampules expire next month. I'm wondering if the expiration of the reference samples accounts for the negligible difference along the array is what makes this measurement so subjective.

16 Sep 11:30 by Peter KleinBeernink

there seems to be a different type of milfoil all around Red Rock Bay, 200m to the west. It doesn't appear to be either NA or Eurasian milfoil but has the same staggered pattern of leaf stems 25mm apart. Much denser though. Will investigate further

11 Sep 11:00 by Peter KleinBeernink

water level changed to 1.4 . The last couple of observations stated 1.5 but this is more precise.

20 Aug 15:46 by Peter KleinBeernink

Bryozoan colonies are beginning to form on the dock and some weed masses.
female Black duck hanging around
Loons frequent the area as little as 50m offshore.
juvenile bald eagle seen overhead yesterday
found a different type of millfoil that I am not familiar with

05 Aug 09:50 by Peter KleinBeernink