Lake Ontario
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

- Group: Swim Drink Fish Canada : Great Lakes Community Monitoring Program- Toronto Hub
- Lat: 43.635718
- Lng: -79.3962622
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
No photos uploaded.
Weather: Clear
Wildlife: 1 Mallard
Weather: Clear and sunny
Wildlife: 2 mallards, 16 Canada Geese, 1 cormorants, 1+ seagulls
Clear and sunny weather, Wildlife - 1 swan, 4 mallards, 1 minnow, 1 dead baby racoon
Clear and sunny, Wildlife: 2 mallards, 1 cormorant, 1 swam, 1 carp, 1 dead Pigeon
Clear and sunny, Wind speed - 17 km/hr, gusts 28 km/hr, direction - NNE
- Sunny and partly cloudy.
- Light rain yesterday.
- Ducks and Canadian Geese.
- Strong sewage odour in nearby corner (14C - currently inaccessible for water testing)
- Sunny weather.
- Clear water.
- Wildlife: ducks, geese, seagulls, insects.
- No rain.
- Acrid smell.
- 5 ducks, 2 geese.