Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
WAG-M-01. Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01. CNV City Map -123.0918786, 49.31828734 Long and Lat, or UTM 493,323E, 5,462,843N. Identical to "Salt Project site Wagg Creek" above Mosquito. Merge data?

- Site ID: WAG-M-01
- Lat: 49.3181568
- Lng: -123.0918074
- Waterbody Type: Unknown
- Timezone: America/Vancouver
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View all photosWagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
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Turbid water, but in darkness the Secchi Tube could not be used. 6PPD-Q and lab water sample for ...
Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
Observed on
Turbidity <14
Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
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Water flow too big to bucket measure
Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
Observed on
Lab water samples collected for analysis at Bureau Veritas
Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
Observed on
No smells
Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
Observed on
Turbidity <14
Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
Observed on
1 male chum, spawned 2 live chum salmon, below bewicke culvert Turb < 14
Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
Observed on
Foam on creek. YSI measurements taken
Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
Observed on
No signif smells Steady strong flow
Wagg Creek above Mosquito Ck, but below Bewicke Box Culvert -WAG-M-01 Medium Priority : WAG-M-01
Observed on
Calm clear no foam steady flow