
Stormwater pipe discharge and Mission Ck - MIS-W-01 Medium Priority

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

location of MIS-W-01 using zoom on web app. South side of 23rd St. Two large storm drains emerge side by side with a smaller one of 0.2m inside diameter in between (do not monitor the small one). This is the western one which is 1.05m in diameter of concrete. Moderate energy location combining Mission Creek with storm drains from Highway #1. Field measured GPS coordinates in NAD83 are -123.0863967, 49.33019138 in Long and Lat, or UTM 495,730E, 5,464,169N Old Salt project site is the flow from W-01 and W-02 combined

Location created by
Paul Lhotka
  • Site ID: MIS-W-01
  • Lat: 49.3301285
  • Lng: -123.0862498
  • Waterbody Type: Unknown
  • Timezone: America/Vancouver

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Stormwater pipe discharge and Mission Ck - MIS-W-01 Medium Priority : MIS-W-01

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Turbid water, but in darkness the Secchi Tube could not be used. 6PPD-Q and lab water sample for ...

Stormwater pipe discharge and Mission Ck - MIS-W-01 Medium Priority : MIS-W-01

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Turbidity <14. Data upload failure!

Stormwater pipe discharge and Mission Ck - MIS-W-01 Medium Priority : MIS-W-01

Observed on

Turb < 14 Flows: 9L/ 1.81s 10L/1.95s 10 L / 1.70s

Stormwater pipe discharge and Mission Ck - MIS-W-01 Medium Priority : MIS-W-01

Observed on

Unable to read turbidity; high. Water appeared black with faint smell of sewage. In-situ (Water ...

Stormwater pipe discharge and Mission Ck - MIS-W-01 Medium Priority : MIS-W-01

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Simultaneous measurements done with YSI. 6PPD-Q samples for Tim Rodgers from the combined flow of...

Stormwater pipe discharge and Mission Ck - MIS-W-01 Medium Priority : MIS-W-01

Observed on

Turbid less than 14 Water flow: 2.53 sec and 10L approx 90% capture 1.78 sec and 7.5L