Confluence of Taylor and Fairweather Brooks

Taylor Brook

Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada

This site is located off the RNS trail at the end of the Netherwood Lane where Taylor Brook and Fairweather Brook combine. This site is known as the 'dam' but the dam is no longer there. Downstream of this site there is a rock cascade with fast moving water.

Location created by
Roxanne MacKinnon
  • Group: ACAP Saint John
  • Lat: 45.3791157
  • Lng: -65.9839511
  • Waterbody Type: Stream
  • Timezone: America/Moncton

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A dragonfly larvae was seen crawling on the substrate and a few small minnows were seen swimming around. The brook was measured to be 17 m wide and had no canopy cover. There were some signs of erosion but overall the banks appeared to be stable. The riparian area is dominated by grasses and Speckled alder. There was part of an old beaver dam noted by the outflow of Fairweather Brook.

27 Apr 14:00 by Roxanne MacKinnon