beaver pond

Saskatchewan, Canada

NE 21 20 w2 Silver Stream Bison Farm
still water where a stream is dammed
danger from bison in pasture

Location created by
Hilary Ryan

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I thought I had the sampling packs for nitrates and phosphates but they were all used up, so I couldn't do those samples.
The air thermometer seems to read higher than it feels. Last month I tried putting it into ice water but the reading did not get down to near 0, the lowest it got was 7. When I used the conductivity water thermometer in air (after drying it), it read 17.3 (air thermometer read 20).

05 Sep 10:10 by Hilary Ryan

Shore sample (FAST Lab Observation)

25 Jun 10:01 by Adam Preston

pH and conductivity measurements may be incorrect due to errors with pH and conductivity meters

16 May 10:28 by Adam Preston