Kyd Brook
London, Bromley, United Kingdom
This part of Kyd Brook runs within Crofton Wood near the wooden bridge that crosses Kyd Brook, which is near Eynesford recreation ground. It generally isn't a deep running brook unless it's been raining or has rained then it can be a few feet high or even overflow in places and run quickly. Crofton Woods has a clay soil wood and run off from the woods enters the brook in various places. There is a surface water overflow (S.W.O) running into it at this location. Further upstream there are 2 more S.W.Os and and a combined sewer overflow (C.S.O) which discharges untreated sewage into Kyd Brook at certain times, especially during heavy rain.
- Group: Thames21 : Ravensbourne Catchment Improvement Group's Water Quality Working Group
- Site ID: What3words sushi.socket.stands
- Lat: 51.38204
- Lng: 0.0703164
- Waterbody Type: Unknown
- Timezone: Europe/London
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There is a surface water overflow at this site and it is also downstream from a known combined sewer overflow.
There is a surface water overflow at this site that discharges into Kyd Brook. There is detergent coming from the S.W.O This has been reported to Thames Water ref 00619975