The Ching
Buckhurst Hill, Essex, United Kingdom

- Group: Thames21 : Lea Guardians
- Lat: 51.639917
- Lng: 0.0267906
- Waterbody Type: Stream
- Timezone: Europe/London
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Water flowing briskly after weeks of wet weather
Water temp was lower when samole was taken - 14.7 when tested at home
Sample brought home to test so temperature increased from 2-3 degrees when sampled
Moorhen in water
There was no water in the river due to lack of rain
Ammonia level was high with no obvious reason. Phosphate Hanna checker was showing Inv which indicates that the sample with reagent added was showing lower colour level than the blank
River has dried up - no water available to test
No water - source of the ching above Connaught Water dried up
No water flow therefore not possible to take a sample
River dried up so it was not possible to take a sample