The Ching
Buckhurst Hill, Waltham Forest, United Kingdom

- Group: Thames21 : Lea Guardians
- Lat: 51.627561
- Lng: 0.0205471
- Waterbody Type: Stream
- Timezone: Europe/London
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View all photosCattle tracks in area
Cattle manure present on river bank.
No water flow, sections of dry riverbed. Pools of still water remaining. Cattle manure on and beside river as well as poached soil on the river bank and bed.
Manure smell and hoof prints from grazing cattle poaching soil on the banks of the river.
No water flow, river bed dry in most areas with pools of still water.
River dried up with no flow. Sample taken from remaining standing pools of water.
Water sample collected from pools left on the river bed, no running water along the river.
No flowing water - river dried up in many areas, sample taken from remaining pools.
Dogs in river and cyclists using path to cross river seen after water quality test was taken.