Grand River
Preston, Ontario, Canada
This site is directly across the road from the rare Charitable Research Reserve's Lambs Inn Administrative Centre parking lot. The Walter Bean Blair Trailhead is located here along with a shed housing a GRCA Water Monitoring Station.
- Site ID: RARE-001
- Lat: 43.3842082
- Lng: -80.3836155
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
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Flow rate 14 m/s.
rEYN team assisted
Jaden helped with testing. Shoreline was flooded.
Kennedy and Sara conducted this test
Jack and Kieran conducted this test
Tests taken by Jaden
Alkalinity is in ppm.
0.3125 m/s flow rate.
Observed by Olivia K. Kieran d.P., Jack B.
Saw a muskrat, was within 100 m of us. It hid in rocks while we tested.
Air temp may not be fully accurate. Thermometer was placed in pocket and bottom part was held in hand prior to measurement. A few minutes were given to let it adjust, but likely required more time before measurement was taken.
Flow rate: 0.17 m/s