West DuPage Woods

West Branch DuPage River

Winfield, Illinois, United States

The site is at a point of slow moving, shallow water on the South bank as the river flows through the West DuPage Woods Forest Preserve.

Location created by
Ruth Gauss

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No ice present. It's been warmer and we've had quite a few rainy days lately (and very little sun) so water was flowing nicely.

30 Dec 14:48 by Ruth Gauss

Snow expected soon! I'm thankful I was able to get out on this balmy day before the snow (and possibly salt) begins.

19 Nov 11:33 by Ruth Gauss

This location provides access to the water that is safe and relatively easy to get to, but it is very muddy and challenging to avoid stepping or sliding into the water to collect a sample, so I think another location might be better in the future.

30 May 12:10 by Ruth Gauss

Please see note on the previously submitted sample for today.

31 Mar 13:34 by Ruth Gauss

My sample tube tipped over while I was waiting for the results. I did leave the test strips in the remaining water for a few minutes afterwards (and the strips had been submerged for a number of minutes before the tube was tipped over by the wind.)

31 Mar 13:34 by Ruth Gauss

I forgot to get a picture of the site this time

29 Feb 11:15 by Ruth Gauss