North Aurora Riverfront Park

Fox River

North Aurora, Illinois, United States

Fox River, just south of North Aurora Dam within North Aurora Riverfront Park (north of State Street)

Location created by
Maura Canzano

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Fox River : North Aurora Riverfront Park

Observed on

There was ice along the riverbank, extending several feet into the river, at the normal collectio...

Fox River : North Aurora Riverfront Park

Observed on

DUPLICATE TEST STRIP - also 3.8 Quantab Units = 138 ppm

Fox River : North Aurora Riverfront Park

Observed on

Incorrect units on Post-It (3.8 Quantab Units = 138 ppm)

Fox River : North Aurora Riverfront Park

Observed on

DUPLICATE TEST STRIP - also 4.4 Quantab Units = 183 ppm