Park 571

Chicago River

Chicago, Illinois, United States

water collected off dock

Location created by
Anne Knafl
  • Lat: 41.8435763
  • Lng: -87.6635599
  • Waterbody Type: River
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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Chicago PD was filming when I arrived at the site but the crew let me collect a sample from my usual location on the dock

24 Feb 11:04 by Liz Lehman

Canada geese
turkey vultures
ring billed gulls
American Robin
house sparrows

30 May 10:42 by Anne Knafl

Canada geese, Double-crested Cormorant, ring-billed gull, American Robins, Red-wing Blackbirds

18 Apr 10:00 by Anne Knafl

Ringed neck gulls and Double crested cormorants flying over and in water. 2 bald eagles flying over, one adult and one juvenile.

16 Mar 11:45 by Anne Knafl

gulls, Canada Geese, red-breasted mergansers seen on water off of dock
water sample taken from dock

25 Feb 10:30 by Anne Knafl

Ice on water.
Lots of Canada geese, Ringed-bill gulls, Common goldeneyes, Common and Red-breasted mergansers on the water by the dock

22 Jan 13:22 by Anne Knafl

water collected off dock, 40 Canada geese grazing near dock, one American Kestral posted on tree across the river, five Ring-billed gulls and one Herring gull flying above the water

07 Jan 10:34 by Anne Knafl