Kickapoo Creek Park, 2000 N. Jefferson St., Lincoln, IL pedestrian bridge on park road

Kickapoo Creek

Lincoln, Illinois, United States

Pedestrian bridge by park circle road, parking at roadside (creek is visible from car). Samples taken from center of bridge span via bucket on rope. Bridge is visible on Google Maps or Google Earth satellite view.
Kickapoo Creek rises near the airport in Bloomington, IL and ends where it enters Salt Creek just west of Lincoln. Though its main channel is less than 60 miles long, it drains over 300 square miles, most of it farmland. At Lincoln, the stream is usually around 100 feet wide from bank to bank, but it sits in a floodplain that is a mile and a half wide, covering about 2800 acres. The creek’s average flow at Lincoln is about 170 cubic feet/second, but this varies widely with seasonal precipitation. Kickapoo and one of its tributary cross Interstate 55 three times, and its catchment basin includes I 74 and Rte 51, as well as the area south of urban Bloomington (see ).

Location created by
Pamela Moriearty

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Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
7.8 Latest
6.9 Average
Water temperature °C
1.0 Latest
3.5 Average
Chloride ppm
181.0 Latest
63.1 Average
Conductivity μS/cm
1115 Latest
732 Average
pH (0-14)
8.4 Latest
8.5 Average