Crystal Lake, Illinois, United States
Fox River watershed. Near Nunda Township Road District offices.

- Lat: 42.2763414
- Lng: -88.3010232
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: UTC
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View all photosWater was moving quickly thru tunnel but water surface frozen as it flowed under road.
It has been very cold, one small snow event, little or no accumulation and I had stopped by earlier in the week but it was all frozen and wasn’t able to take a sample.
Wet conditions during the week led to numerous earthworms washing out into the waterway. See photo.
Duplicate test strip=3.8 Quantab Units 140 ppm
Water level was up compared to last test date due to ice and snow melt.
See: melting snow
Foggy, damp air. Near road, car noise. Birds nearby chirping.