Creek at Merry Meadows

Rocky Fork Tributary

Godfrey, Illinois, United States

Small creek in the woods a Merry Meadows farm. Creek runs N to S between Davis and Winter Lns. and it mostly still.

Location created by
James Weiss

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Rocky Fork Tributary : Creek at Merry Meadows

Observed on

Less than 32 ppm chloride. Water is moving and clear.

Rocky Fork Tributary : Creek at Merry Meadows

Observed on

Reading is below accurate level of detection. Water is clear and moving. No unpleasant odors obse...

Rocky Fork Tributary : Creek at Merry Meadows

Observed on

Reading is less than 32 ppm Cl

Rocky Fork Tributary : Creek at Merry Meadows

Observed on

Reading was less than 32 ppm

Rocky Fork Tributary : Creek at Merry Meadows

Observed on

Water is clear and fairly still.

Rocky Fork Tributary : Creek at Merry Meadows

Observed on

Below 30 ppm chloride.

Rocky Fork Tributary : Creek at Merry Meadows

Observed on

Measurement was below 30ppm Cl

Rocky Fork Tributary : Creek at Merry Meadows

Observed on

Sample is less than 30ppm Cl