Lacey Creek at Morton Arboretum

Lacey Creek

Downers Grove, Illinois, United States

Located 20 ft west of culvert that goes under the service road. Within East Prairie, moving water, no danger

Location created by
Linda Heuser
  • Lat: 41.8183729
  • Lng: -88.0374169
  • Waterbody Type: Creek
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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Lacey Creek : Lacey Creek at Morton Arboretum

Observed on

The quantab values for Lacey Creek on both test strips were 8.8, which is off the chart. The high...

Lacey Creek : Lacey Creek at Morton Arboretum

Observed on

The actual Quantab reading was 8.4, the PPM chart does not go that high so the greatest value of ...