Hidden Lake at Hidden Lake Forest Preserve

Hidden Lake

Downers Grove, Illinois, United States

Isolated body of water at Hidden Lake preserve, still water, watershed within preserve property

Location created by
Linda Heuser
  • Lat: 41.8245871
  • Lng: -88.0387688
  • Waterbody Type: Lake
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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The quantab reading was lower than what is on the scale so the lowest chloride ppm value of 28 was recorded as the value.

08 May 11:23 by Linda Heuser

The quantab reading was 0.2 which is below the scale for the ppm, so the lowest ppm was recorded.

19 Apr 11:43 by Linda Heuser

Quantab reading was 0.4, below the point at which the scale starts reading. The lowest PPM reading of 28 was assigned to the site.

15 Mar 12:33 by Linda Heuser

The quantab reading at Hidden Lake was 0.4 which is below the readings on the chart. The lowest value of 30 ppm was recorded for this site.

24 Feb 11:34 by Linda Heuser

The actual quantab reading was 0.2. The scale does not go that low so a score of 30 was recorded.

30 Jan 12:46 by Linda Heuser

Actual Quantab reading was 0.4 which is below the scale, so lowest ppm value was recorded.

05 Jan 13:38 by Linda Heuser

The test strip did not react at all so the lowest ppm value was recorded.

08 Dec 12:03 by Linda Heuser

The Quantab units do not go down low enough (0.2) for an accurate chloride count. This site was tested with 2 strips.

20 Nov 11:27 by Linda Heuser