Creek Bend Pond

Pond at Creek Bend Nature Center

Saint Charles, Illinois, United States

Man made pond which drains into Ferson Creek. Near a road and parking lot, easy access.

Location created by
Lisa O'Brien

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Since last test taken it has been bitter cold. Creeks and pond were frozen, little snow. There was a significant rainfall in last week which measured over 1 inch of rain in some spots. Temperatures have moderated in the last week, with freezing temps overnight. Salt would have been used minimally in the last month due to lack of significant snow. Rain fell on frozen ground and most ran off to open waterways.

04 Feb 11:56 by Lisa O'Brien

Test strips did NOT read the same
There has been little precipitation (less than 1 inch) over past week. No need for salts due to little snow

02 Jan 12:10 by Lisa O'Brien

Temperatures have been fluctuating from bitter cold to 50's over the last couple of weeks. Brief snow, but no need for salting. Rain event about 2 weeks ago.

Test strip registered about .6, much less than expected, providing less than 30 ppm. Ice was thick enough couldn't get a lot of water and very close to edge of pond.

10 Dec 09:54 by Lisa O'Brien

Despite drought conditions in fall, the pond seems to have maintained its normal water levels. There has been no activity surrounding the area that could have impacted water quality since last spring. Chloride level is starting lower than last year's observed of 109 ppm.

12 Nov 12:42 by Lisa O'Brien

Warm temperatures have had frogs breeding and seeing tadpoles early. Water is clear and seem healthy from the macroinvertebrates we have pulled from the water.

Cl values trended high beginning in March after falling from Nov-Feb. Did not see a decrease in levels yet. We have had quite a bit of rain, wonder if culvert to pond has caused higher levels of Cl to enter.

09 May 11:51 by Lisa O'Brien

Week's weather changed from snow and rain which caused high water in creeks and rivers. Sunny in the 60s currently. Wildlife is returning to the area

09 Apr 09:48 by Lisa O'Brien

Note in image one of a drain pipe that is new. New trail system was installed over the winter which is now directing water more directly to the pond rather than seeping through the ground as in the past. Water is flowing overland from the road to the pipe, so some filtration is occurring.

14 Mar 09:18 by Lisa O'Brien

Since last test have had about 10 inches of snow then ice, all which has melted. Temps have been below freezing at night and up to mid 40's on some days during the day.

06 Feb 12:07 by Lisa O'Brien

no column for ppm Chloride
Test strip read about 2.0 with 48 mg/L conversion

Tested second test strip this month. Relatively accurate. First read 2.0 second 1.8.

11 Jan 08:46 by Lisa O'Brien

Have had only one snow event since last reading.

07 Dec 14:03 by Lisa O'Brien