Outlet into Pond Wood

Unstead Wetland Reserve

Guildford Borough, Surrey, United Kingdom

Mature willow woodland where water is released to lower the levels in the North Meadow. Water from this pond enters the Natural Wey River. The water is relatively still but currently there is a flow of water coming from the inlet.
(51.20279, -0.57804)

Location created by
Trevor Murrells

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The pool that leads into the larger pond is very small, a few inches of water at most. The bed of the larger pond has no water and is covered in duckweed. No water was flowing from the two pipes. Testing was not undertaken.

23 Aug 11:45 by Trevor Murrells

Small pool, maximum depth 1-2", in front of the two pipes. The larger pond that this pool normally feeds into has receded noticeably and the two are no longer connected. A decision was taken not to chemically test.

26 Jul 13:45 by Trevor Murrells

Duckweed is covering parts of the pond

28 Jun 08:35 by Trevor Murrells

Small pond near pipes which is seeping into a larger pond. Maximum depth near sampling point was 3".

24 May 08:05 by Trevor Murrells

I did not sample or test this location today. No water was discharging from the pipes, which bring water from the Unstead Wetland lagoons, into the pond. There was a very small pool beneath the pipes with a depth of water of no more than 3". Further away there was a larger very shallow pond/pool which I did not want to venture into on safety grounds. This pond/pool looked stagnant.

26 Apr 10:10 by Trevor Murrells

The sample was taken from a small pond fed by the two pipes, that was disconnected from a larger pond. Very little water was flowing out of the two pipes.

29 Mar 08:50 by Trevor Murrells

There was a slow trickle coming out of the two pipes

23 Feb 09:40 by Trevor Murrells

The water level was above the outflow pipes

26 Jan 09:50 by Trevor Murrells

There were a few dead branches floating on the surface of the water, away from the two pipes that bring in water from other lagoons. What we believe could be another exit point to the reserve (low circular brick structure) was completely submerged today which wasn't the case last month or the month before.

29 Dec 09:55 by Trevor Murrells

A water test was not undertaken at this location because there is no longer water anywhere near the pipe that feeds the pond, apart from a very small pool a metre or so from the pipe (see photo). Water is no longer entering the pond from the other lagoons. The pond was noticeably dry around the sampling point. There was evidence of water, at a much lower level than last month, some distance away.

25 Nov 09:30 by Trevor Murrells