Tyler Creek
Elgin, Illinois, United States
.05 miles from shelter 1

- Group: National Great Rivers : Winter Chloride Watch
- Lat: 42.063219
- Lng: -88.2938135
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: UTC
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View all photosSaw some robins. The creek was running fast and high
Cars, but no people. Very quiet
Creek was frozen over so I was unable to take a sample.
Mallard ducks (4) squirrels and nut catcher… very quiet only one other person in area.
Creek flowing quickly, but not as high. Hear Chickadees and song sparrow. Some dragonflies.
Birds listed above, bees, lots of dandelions in garden asst areas, spring flowers along edges, few people.
Water running fast. I see squirrels, hear birds, greening bushes.
My two readings were different, 2.0 and 2.4. This may be due to settling of water in the tube. As I did one at a time.
Lots of cars, chain saw working, creek rushing with water.
Chloride reading of 1.4 ppm changed to 30 ppm by admin (jonas@waterrangers.ca)