109 Don Minaker Dr
Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada
A man-made pond surrounded by houses. It serves as a location to collect rainwater due to its low level to the houses and roads. This pond contains many forms of wildlife and greenery.

- Lat: 43.770571
- Lng: -79.6727171
- Waterbody Type: Pond
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosIt rained a lot the night before, so the water level was very high. There were many birds returning for the spring. I saw robins, red winged blackbirds and some little brown birds too. They were singing while perched in trees surrounding the pond.
I saw 2 pairs of geese distant from each other. It was quite windy but weather is getting warmer.
Geese and ducks. Very muddy and mushy. I got my socks wet.
The water level today was normal. There were so many ducks today and geese along the path. This is also the second time I spotted Hooded Mergansers. This time, 2 males and 1 female in a group. Again they were distant from the geese and ducks. The sample I collected today has the potential to have more dirt debris because the ducks were kicking up the dirt.
The water level today was normal. The ducks and geese have returned to the pond! There were so many. They hang out in the location where I scoop the water so the sample, I tested was murky. This is because they kicked up and moved the dirt.
The water level today was low and it was hard for me to get a good sample away from dirt run off. This is why i think the nitrate is so high in this sample. There was still ice plates in the middle of the lake but majority of it was just water. No animals or birds today.
There was still large areas of ice in the pond but there was an accessible area for me to collect the sample. The water level has gone down since the last time to what I normally see it at. No waterfowl at this time.
The ice has melted and now I can test but it rained recently and with the ice melting, the water level is super high! It overtook the area where I normally stand to collect my samples. I went to the nearest accessible point and gathered a sample. It is not a good representation of the entire pong because it is runoff thus the alkalinity and pH levels are off.
- there were still ducks mostly with partners
- it seems that the lone goose has left
The pond was very dead this morning. I usually see many ducks, the lone goose and some other action but today the water was still. I saw 2 male ducks at the edge of the water but that was it.