Helliwell Lake
Alberta, Canada
Helliwell Lake is the headwaters of the Tawatinaw River. Testing done off the northwest corner of the bridge.

- Group: Athabasca Watershed Council : Tawatinaw Watershed Working Group
- Lat: 54.2444309
- Lng: -113.6004353
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Edmonton
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rafts of geese, 2 cormorants, duck sp.
Lots of duckweed. Beaver dam under the bridge impeding flow. Damselflies, Red-winged Blackbirds, grebes.
natural debris and floating dark green algal mats on surface, reddish brown algae mats below surface, flow very gentle; water level average, water color brown, clear to cloudy in some places, no odour, pond weed growing up from bottom, heard a loon, saw Black Terns, Red-headed and Yellow Blackbirds, Lesser Scaup, hundreds of blue damselflies
Red-winged Blackbirds, Mallards, Blue-winged Teal, mats of algae on the surface but water fairly clear, lake level high
fewer birds then expected, mostly red-winged blackbirds
Lots of waterfowl including ducks and a cormorant.