Qu'Appelle River between Echo Lake and Mission outflow
Saskatchewan, Canada
Exact same site to be transfered.

Location created by
Brent Rosbrook - Citizen Science
- Group: WUQWATR
- Lat: 50.772117
- Lng: -103.7739801
- Waterbody Type: Channel
- Timezone: America/Regina
Latest photos
View all photosA bit of trash + fishing line in bush - trip hazard and possibly hazard if caught a foot as near channel.
* Calibration prior to test day.
River flow est. 5 km/hr, (walking pace.) Channel and Echo Lake developed algal filament in past 5 days with bands of surface filaments with many pods of spongy beds white/blue in color. Accumulated beds mass against bridge supports and surface green organic is captured in reeds.
Local waters have organic odor in humid breeze past 4 days.