Unstead Exit (outflow)

Unstead Wetland Reserve

Bramley, Surrey, United Kingdom

Location created by
Kat Kavanagh

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Unstead Wetland Reserve : Unstead Exit (outflow)

Observed on

Small amount of clear foam on water surface, but water clear and plenty of healthy plantlife.

Unstead Wetland Reserve : Unstead Exit (outflow)

Observed on

Fewer pond plants than in the summer/autumn

Unstead Wetland Reserve : Unstead Exit (outflow)

Observed on

There were a few pond plants near to the exit pipe and beneath the dam. A small amount of foam (b...

Unstead Wetland Reserve : Unstead Exit (outflow)

Observed on

Some bubbles were caused by the water flowing over the small dam. Pond plants could be seen benea...

Unstead Wetland Reserve : Unstead Exit (outflow)

Observed on

There was a good flow of water over the dam in front of the red brick tower (exit point). The red...

Unstead Wetland Reserve : Unstead Exit (outflow)

Observed on

Where the sample was taken the water was fairly still but close by the outflow from the reserve w...

Unstead Wetland Reserve : Unstead Exit (outflow)

Observed on

Dense coverage of aquatic plants & stinging nettles on/close to the pond/lagoon bank side. There ...

Unstead Wetland Reserve : Unstead Exit (outflow)

Observed on

Fair bit of pond/freshwater growing vegetation was visible, most of it below the surface of the w...