Tributary of Classford Brook, Normandy
Normandy, Surrey, United Kingdom
The testing point is by the stone bridge over the larger stream in the cow field. The bank edge is quite trampled by cows to the south and east of the bridge and the stream is quite wide here. To the north of the bridge it is narrower.
The stream comes from springs on the Hogs Back and travels past fields with horses in and Backhurst/Strawberry Farm (soils, rocks, woodchip etc are stored and sold from here).
The testing location is on a footpath and from the bridge so is accessible all year, even when the water is very high, the bridge is usually above the water.
The water was flowing steadily on this occassion

- Group: Zero Guildford : River Wey at Guildford
- Lat: 51.253809
- Lng: -0.6599621
- Waterbody Type: Stream
- Timezone: Europe/London
Latest photos
View all photosGreyish blue tone to water with a little foam moving downstream
muddy smell to water
water pale brown, very slightly cloudy
Hardness was hard to measure as the colour of the test-strip was very pink (see image). 2 test strips were tried with the same result.
high nitrates again.
Water fairly low. Nitrates very high. Potential upstream sources of pollution include horse stables, dog kennels and business selling chipped wood.
a few bubbles of foam on the surface, water looks clear. Nitrates highest ever seen
some bubbles/foam in eddie to west of bridge. Water higher side of average
Water High but not over banks, water a little cloudy with yellowish tinge.
water moving faster than seen before.
A little foam, scum on the surface and litter just upstream from testing site.