West end of Hamlet of Milford at furthest west end of Millpond

Milford Millpond

Milford, Ontario, Canada

Waterfalls feed into this end of the Millpond at most times of the year other than in summer dry spells. Spring and fall are when they are running well. Will be taking regular readings from the east side of the bridge. Water from this millpond flows over the damn at the eastern end of the pond into the Black River which then flows out eventually on a long winding path into Lake Ontario .

Location created by
Don Ross

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Sunny day with moderate winds . Overnight we had a thunderstorm that brought some badly needed rainfall....9 Mm in a short period of time. Pair of swans and some Canada Geese out on the pond. Good flow of water into the pond and lots over the waterfalls.

25 Mar 14:05 by Don Ross

Overcast with some sunny breaks and calm winds. No rain in past 24 hours. No flow to the water and the waterfalls remain bone dry. Consistent depth of the millpond despite the summer drought is proof positive of underground spring as source of this pond. Many swans and geese congregating on the water. Some songbirds and crickets can be heard and a large black water snake slid into the pond from the rocks as I went for my sample. Fair # of weeds seen under the surface but not much green algae bloom on top now as there is in mid-summer.

20 Sep 12:50 by Don Ross

Sunny and very windy day. Drought conditions persist here in this part of The County as you can see in the photos. The millpond retains a certain level anyway so has to be fed from springs under it. Some dragonflies around but no birds...too hot for them. Lots of wild carrot weeds growing here.

26 Jul 12:50 by Don Ross

Very hot, hazy & humid with no wind today. Have had no rainfall at all for several weeks. Millpond showing signs of heavy weeds and algae. Big fish ( carp or sucker )jumping in the water catching bugs. Songbirds nearby and saw a pair of racoons along the road beside the pond....don’t normally see them during daytime.

22 Jun 15:40 by Don Ross

43 Mm rain over past 2 days and lightly drizzling off and on now. Waterfalls very loud and flowing. Have been 3 or 4 loons on the pond today and the past week ( not commonly seen here ) as well as some swan pairs, lots of ducks and geese. Songbirds all around chirping away their spring calls.

01 May 14:00 by Don Ross

Slightly overcast and quite windy. No rain in past 24 hours. Strong current flowing over the waterfalls and into the river entering the millpond under the bridge. Some ice still remains on the pond but rapidly melting away.

09 Mar 14:40 by Don Ross

Most of the millpond is iced over, albeit a very thin layer.

15 Nov 15:31 by Don Ross

A few MM rain in past 24 hours. Overcast skies with winds picking up and storm anticipated, which will hopefully bring us some more rainfall...badly needed after such a dry summer here. Flocks of Canada Geese and some swan pairs down at the east end of the millpond now. Osprey flying overhead and a few songbirds around . Lots of crickets chirping away. No water at all flowing over the nearby falls now or most of the summer.

01 Oct 13:40 by Don Ross

Sunny, muggy and calm day. Hawk flying overhead and swan with 2 singlets had been seen on the Millpond an hour before on our walk. Some dragonflies and horseflies around. Birds could be heard but not see. A very heavy and extensive blanket of green slime and algae is coating much of the pond now on both sides of the bridge. Just a week ago this was nowhere near this bad.

08 Jul 20:18 by Don Ross

Overcast, off & on lightly spitting rain. Calm winds. 1 MM rain fall in past 24 hrs. Water flowing heavily over the waterfalls and moving fast under the bridge into millpond. 3 white swans on the pond and lots of birds singing.

15 May 09:10 by Heather Ross