Loon Lake West Shore

Loon Lake

Ontario, Canada

Open lake approximately 5 meters from shoreline at 3 meters depth. Sand bottom.
Lake flow direction at this point is very low toward NE.

Location created by
Mike Grinnell
  • Site ID: LL-002
  • Lat: 45.0207625
  • Lng: -78.3850112
  • Waterbody Type: Lake
  • Timezone: America/Toronto

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This is a limited observation meant to measure chloride levels in concert with a chloride reduction project with the Ministry of Transportation. My readings indicate how effective the MTO strategies are in trying new methods of chloride reduction. In this instance the MTO is using a DLA method which is the introduction of a brine solution combined with salt crystals. So far, a drop in chloride levels has been observed with the implementation of DLA.

17 Feb 15:15 by Mike Grinnell

This limited reading is for a project I am working on with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to reduce road salt getting into the lake where I live. The MTO has been trying different methods of applying sodium chloride to the road surface near the lake. The MTO estimates that by using Direct Liquid Application that they can reduce road saltdeposition by 20%. My readings let them know how they are doing!

03 Feb 15:17 by Mike Grinnell

This is one of four water samples collected in preparation for chloride monitoring in conjunction with a project I’m working on with the MTO. Only saline and chloride measurements were done. Chloride was obtained by titration. The saline reading was used to check the chloride levels using math. The MTO will be working with me, adjusting their operation to try to keep salt levels down by getting ongoing data from me throughout the winter.

15 Oct 15:15 by Mike Grinnell

New ORP meter in use. Factory calibrated and verified at my home at 256 mv. The ORP recorded was 213 mV from pumped water at big rock in front of my home. Totally acceptable reading.

17 Sep 16:30 by Mike Grinnell

Taken at MECP test site. ORP not taken because of defective AZ 8552 meter that had moisture inside the meter. Chloride by titration and reading expected.

11 Sep 15:00 by Mike Grinnell

Phosphate 0.25 mg/L; ORP 151mV; chloride 6.0 mg/L (titration); Water drawn from lakewater pump at a depth of 2.0 meters.
Would prefer a higher ORP value.

05 Sep 16:00 by Mike Grinnell

Chloride concentration measured with TAYLOR K- 1598 drop test kit (NEW). This is titration, not by any calculation.
Kit is very easy to use, with good instructions.
For a senior individual, who gets no funding for the hobby of water testing, this kit, while apparently very satisfactory, is somewhat expensive.

24 Aug 14:30 by Mike Grinnell

Chloride derived from product of salinity and percentage ionic concentration of chloride (6%)

Awaiting chloride drop test kit from Lowry & Associates

14 Aug 04:30 by Mike Grinnell

This records the start of measuring Salinity with a new AZ 8372 Salinity pen.

13 Jul 14:06 by Mike Grinnell

Water filtered through 5 micron filter.

09 Jul 15:30 by Mike Grinnell