Clear Creek

Creek ? to right of Clearville boat ramp Lake Erie( directly behind pavillion in the centre walk straight to tree at creek)

Ontario, Canada

This is the creek runs from inland to Lake Erie .Follow Clearville camp sign from HWY 3 down road pass campground on left and park besides the pavillion on your right . We located from back of pavillion centre point and walked straight across to the tree on the creek edge. Our testing was done directly in line with tree from shore(its to steep otherwise).You can see the creek where it breach's the sandy beach and enters Lake Erie. It was not breaching today , maybe an 8 ft sand across

Location created by
Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

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Creek was frozen but lake only had maybe 75 Meters out,then open water . We found deer tracks on rail and maybe dog or coyote tracks along Easterly shore towards boat dock. Not a winter maintained road so might not be abole to accress down hill if winter keeps up.
I do not have a ICE /ON /OFF at the end of my data page so will need to enter here

24 Jan 15:40 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

We didn't see any people .We did have a friendly encounterwith a curious raccoon .He walked up to observe us about 4-5 meteres away .We watched him later walk back into the growth to the creek and when I was walking back from getting pictures of lake he was walking back out and met me.
On the water surface -natural debris
In the immediate surroundings-no discharge
Evidence of water usage - none
Algae - none
Water flow -stil
Water level -low
Water colour -brown
Clarity -opaque
Odour - none
We had to do route backwards for our 3 site due to where we were at the time

24 Nov 14:34 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

On the water surface - natural debris (leaves)
In immediate surroundings - no discharges
Evidence of water uses-none
Algae - no
Water flow - still
Water level -average
Water colour - brown
Clarity - opaque
Odour -none
No signs of people (camp ground up road closed)
Tree s losing most of leaves already
Heard a couple birds but did not see any
Water from Lake Erie was crashing on shore but had not breached beach into creek
Cooler temp here than Port Glasow alot 10*C less than an hour ago(we had to do route backwards today as we didn't want to back track sorry)
Found a single mushroom in leaves at test site but no others within 2 metre radius ?

27 Oct 14:43 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

On the water surface was,natural debris,foam ,.
In the immediate surrounding -no sign s of discharge.
Evidence of water use- fishing,as grass trampled down to access water.
Water flow- no but wind blowing upstream.
Water level -average.
Water colour-brown.
Water clarity-opaque.
Water temp-24.9*C
There were boaters lined up at ramp,pavillion was full of people,couple atv's drove down road to beach
Some garbage again left.

25 Aug 14:23 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

On water surface was natural debrisand foam.
No discharges into water noticed.
Evidence of water usage by fishermen,swimming,boating.And some garbage again at test site.
No alage.
Water was still.
Water level was high,could not do secchi disk due to over growth access.
Water colour was brown.
Water clarity was opaque.
No odour

28 Jul 14:30 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

Water level was high but went down some.
Water flow was slow.
Water colour was brown and clarity was opaque.
Water had no odour. Water had natural debris,alittle foam,no algae
No signs of discharge
Signs of people (garbage) Few boaters out and parked at ramp.

30 Jun 15:17 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

Water level high
Water flow slow .breached beach
Water clour brown
Water had no odour
Water had natural debris ,branches
Park had lots of people enjoying activities, picnicing ,bbqing , sitting by beach, someone flying a big kite. It was nice to see people enjoying.

26 May 15:44 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

The water had natural debris on it ,sticks ,ect
No evidences of water usage other than the burn area's pictured
No algae
Waterflow was steady
Water level still low,but had breached the beach after meandering along 100ft to the east
Water colour was green
Water clarity was opaque
No road salt testing here ,no winter maint
Ice off

31 Mar 14:52 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

We had to do our testing today as we were not going to be available on our regular assigned date and time .
There were no people ,animals ,birds, insects ect.
The creek itself was frozen across, thus no water samples could be taken (bank to steep to navigate and break ice)
We did include pictures .The lake had no ice except remnant's on shore . The water from creek did slightly breach the beach into the Lake Erie .
My brother and his step son both from Taiwan helped in testing today

16 Feb 14:34 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones

On the way in we saw a big hawk. It had dark spots on white feathers on its neck and breast and head. Bigger than most Red Tailed hawks we generally see in area. Wasn't the Bald Eagle unless very young still? We do have the Bald Eagles in the area since being reintroduced in late 1996 ? No ice on creek and maybe 10 metres of pack ice on shoreline Lake Erie.

There was no natural debris on water
no immediate discharge
no evidence of using
no algae
water flow was steady
water level still low but lots of rain and melting snow running into creek
water was brown
water colour was cloudy
water had no odour

28 Jan 14:27 by Rick Sowinski Maggie Jones