Lac McArthur
Val Des Monts, Quebec, Canada
Coordonnées géographiques approximatives de la Fosse MA1 :
Latitude 45°42’22.22”N
Longitude 75°44’14.56”O
Location created by
Samantha Rhainds
- Group: Municipalité de Val-des-Monts : Lac McArthur
- Site ID: MA1
- Lat: 45.7056548
- Lng: -75.6702017
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
No photos uploaded.
Total Phosphorous is the mean of 6 measurements (3 measurements x 2 bottles, at the same location):
- Bottle A: 8, 9, 13.
- Bottle B: 10, 10, 11.
Laboratory: Caduceon Labs (Ottawa)
Total Phosphorous is the mean of 6 measurements (3 measurements x 2 bottles, at the same location):
- Bottle A: 4, 5, 8.
- Bottle B: 7, 8, 6.
Laboratory: Caduceon Labs (Ottawa)