Upper Retention Pond - North point

Upper retention pond - High Park

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Upper retention pond in High Park.

Location created by
Heidi Bender

Latest photos

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- Algae
- Water colour: greyish-brown, cloudy
- Brown mallards (molting)
- people throw sticks in the water for their dog to swim out and get it
- dead rodent carcass in the water
- 3 bullfrog tadpoles but no frogs observed
- dragonflies
- picked seed pods of yellow iris to prevent spreading
- picked up some litter in the water

25 Aug 12:00 by High Park Nature Centre

- Algae
- Water colour: greyish-brown, cloudy
- Brown mallards (molting)
- people throw sticks in the water for their dog to swim out and get it
- dead rodent carcass in the water
- 3 bullfrog tadpoles but no frogs observed
- dragonflies
- picked seed pods of yellow iris to prevent spreading
- picked up some litter in the water

25 Aug 12:00 by High Park Nature Centre

- On the surface: natural debris, foam, urban discharge
- Water colour: clear
- Clarity: brown
- Fewer frogs than in the past.

10 Aug 10:20 by High Park Nature Centre