Polsted Lane/Withies Lane stream

Stream at junction of Polsted Lane and Withies Lane

Farncombe, Surrey, United Kingdom

The point beyond which two streams meet on the other side of the road. Water is moving. What appear to be sand bags are located on one bank of the stream. Maximum depth 6-9".

Location created by
Trevor Murrells

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Stream at junction of Polsted Lane and Withies Lane : Polsted Lane/Withies Lane stream

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The bank sides of a stream that feeds into the Withies/Polsted stream, on the other side of the r...

Stream at junction of Polsted Lane and Withies Lane : Polsted Lane/Withies Lane stream

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Leaves have dammed up the stream to some degree but the water is still flowing to the exit points

Stream at junction of Polsted Lane and Withies Lane : Polsted Lane/Withies Lane stream

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The water no longer appears to exit into the ditch (blocked by tree base/root) and instead leaves...

Stream at junction of Polsted Lane and Withies Lane : Polsted Lane/Withies Lane stream

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Withies Pub Pond quite full so the pipe may be allowing water through from the stream

Stream at junction of Polsted Lane and Withies Lane : Polsted Lane/Withies Lane stream

Observed on

Removed broken branch to gain access for water sampling. Smaller branches remain in the stream. Y...