Lac de l'Écluse
Quebec, Canada
Coordonnées géographiques approximatives de la Fosse EC3 :
Latitude 45°44'33.11"N
Longitude : 75°46'54.82"O

- Group: Municipalité de Val-des-Monts : Lac de l'Écluse
- Site ID: EC3
- Lat: 45.742531
- Lng: -75.781894
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
No photos uploaded.
Cottagers (?) driving golf balls into the lake from west side of bay.
4 Common mergansers
Belted kingfisher
Sounds of gunfire on east side of bay.
Two common mergansers seen.
Painted turtle
Accurate Secchi reading difficult due to high reflectivity of water surface.
Wildlife seen: a pair of broad-winged hawks; great blue heron; turkey vulture; pair of belted kingfishers; several grackles; song sparrow; yellow-rumped warbler; pair of loons.
Wildlife heard: northern waterthrush