1.3 Monteith

Bowker Creek

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

By the Bowker Creek Community Garden, just downstream of Monteith Street

Location created by
Eldan Goldenberg

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Unfortunately the data we collected in field failed to post and Ive filled this out by memory. I remember phosphates being higher than usual and it made me wonder if it was a result of yesterdays muddiness upstream that I documented in photos yesterday in WR after walking back from Monteith since it appeared fairly clear only minutes before.

26 Jan 11:05 by val aloian

Chickenwire fence at Box 1 worked well to keep box debris free on upstream side

Second cassette inserted… with difficulty

Recommend marking gate front,back, right side up as it had been installed upside down.

Box 2 had great deal of leaf debris clogging upstream side of box

Both cassettes were removed, inspected and replaced and were fairly clear.

Box 2 ‘s gate is hinged. We had to clear away gravel and rocks that had lodged in front of gate in order to fully open it so cassettes could be removed and reinserted.

21 Dec 10:00 by val aloian

Clip fell off
Clips compromised

16 Dec 14:09 by val aloian

Clear water
Flow typical.

06 Dec 10:43 by val aloian

moderate turbidity

04 Dec 11:05 by Eldan Goldenberg

Murky milky pale green water

03 Dec 15:07 by val aloian

Little foam/soap circles...quite dense out of the culvert and don't make it past the riffle

26 Nov 16:15 by Frances Jones

Whiffs of sewage at the outlet of the culvert under Monteith, but none at the time at the observation location on the creek

20 Nov 16:30 by Frances Jones

Rock riffle opposite depth meter appears to be functioning well- diverting debris and water flow nicely just upstream of box 1.

15 Nov 11:29 by val aloian

Water rose from 55 to 56 in the 15 minutes I was there

13 Nov 16:15 by Frances Jones