Prairie DuPont Creek @ Zingg Bridge

Prairie DuPont Tributary

Millstadt, Illinois, United States

Location created by
Greg Kimutis

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Prairie DuPont Tributary : Prairie DuPont Creek @ Zingg Bridge

Observed on

Some open water where there is a riffle

Prairie DuPont Tributary : Prairie DuPont Creek @ Zingg Bridge

Observed on

As gamers couch delivered into the darkish, immersive angel of Sanctuary, blizzard amusement keep...

Prairie DuPont Tributary : Prairie DuPont Creek @ Zingg Bridge

Observed on

Chloride less than 32ppm

Prairie DuPont Tributary : Prairie DuPont Creek @ Zingg Bridge

Observed on

Was some ice on sides of creek

Prairie DuPont Tributary : Prairie DuPont Creek @ Zingg Bridge

Observed on

Several dead creek chubs observed No chloride sample taken

Prairie DuPont Tributary : Prairie DuPont Creek @ Zingg Bridge

Observed on

Chloride not sampled

Prairie DuPont Tributary : Prairie DuPont Creek @ Zingg Bridge

Observed on

Chloride less than 32ppm Bottom of creek covered in silt