The Canal

White Lake

Ontario, Canada

Location created by
Conrad Grégoire

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Bottom Temp: 10 degrees
Moderate rain 2 days prior to sampling (not enough to run streams) Mostly sunny day with winds ranging from 0 to 15 km/hr.

15 Oct 11:10 by Conrad Grégoire

Bottom Temp: 15 degrees
Moderate rain day before sampling. Boundary and Paris Creeks not flowing. Bright overcast day. Winds from 0 to 5 km/hr.

03 Oct 11:20 by Conrad Grégoire

Bottom Temp: 21 degrees
Sunny day no clouds winds ~5 km/hr. Last significant rains 5 days prior to sampling. Very windy 1.5 days before sampling. Lake
shallowest in years.

12 Sep 11:00 by Conrad Grégoire

Bottom temp: 24 degrees
Bright sunny day, no wind, Air temp. 23 °C. No rain for 14 days, max day temps 27 °C; streams are not running at all.

30 Aug 11:05 by Conrad Grégoire

Temp 1m from bottom: 21.9 degrees
Bright, clear sunny no wind. Air temp. 23°C. Following 2 weeks of ~30 °C Air temps, significant rain Aug 13/14/16 (day before

17 Aug 11:25 by Conrad Grégoire

Bottom Temp: 24.5 degrees
Partially cloudy, air temp. 23 °C; winds ~10 km/hr. Hot and dry previous ten days, lake level down due to evaporation.

31 Jul 11:10 by Conrad Grégoire

Calcium: 30.0
Sunny, very few clouds;, wind ~10 km/hr; Air temp. 25 °C; July 9 some rain/July 10 heavy rain (~2” lake depth increased) July 11
sunny and calm

12 Jul 11:20 by Conrad Grégoire

Bottom Temp: 21 degrees
Clear sunny day, Air tem. 24 °C. three days prior good but not heavy rain broke 3 weeks of drought. Winds ~ 10 km/hr

03 Jul 11:00 by Conrad Grégoire

Full sun, air temp. 17 °C. Jun 11 – 10 hours of steady rain, not heavy; very high pollen in water; Jun 12 to 13 – winds of 25 to 40
easing to 10 km/hr
Bottom Temp: 16 degrees
Calcium: 33.1

14 Jun 11:35 by Conrad Grégoire

Hot, sunny, no wind – hot and dry for two weeks previous to sampling Air temp. ~27 °C; significant pollen in water.

28 May 11:50 by Conrad Grégoire