White Lake
Ontario, Canada
Depth: 6.0M. Depth is recorded when Secchi depth is 'Bottom Visible'

- Group: White Lake : White Lake Preservation Project
- Lat: 45.260453
- Lng: -76.53232
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
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For three weeks starting the second week of September, there was a significant microcystis blue-green algae bloom in the lower half of Three Mile Bay. There was no surface scum so it was not reported to the MOE. The MOE however, later advised that it should have been reported, even though there was no surface scum, toxins could still be present.
A second blue algal bloom...same as September Microcystis. Mostly in Three Mile Bay but extending into other parts of the lake
There as a serious blue green algal bloom lasting 10 days and covering most of Three Mile Bay and southern parts of the lake. Microcystin toxins measured at 25 ppb.
Moderate rain 2 days prior to sampling (not enough to run streams) Mostly sunny day with winds ranging from 0 to 15 km/hr.
Moderate rain day before sampling. Boundary and Paris Creeks not flowing. Bright overcast day. Winds from 0 to 5 km/hr.
Sunny day no clouds winds ~5 km/hr. Last significant rains 5 days prior to sampling. Very windy 1.5 days before sampling. Lake shallowest in years.
Bright sunny day, no wind, Air temp. 23 °C. No rain for 14 days, max day temps 27 °C; streams are not running at all.
Bright, clear sunny no wind. Air temp. 23°C. Following 2 weeks of ~30 °C Air temps, significant rain Aug 13/14/16 (day before sampling)
Partially cloudy, air temp. 23 °C; winds ~10 km/hr. Hot and dry previous ten days, lake level down due to evaporation
Calcium: 30.7
Sunny, very few clouds;, wind ~10 km/hr; Air temp. 25 °C; July 9 some rain/July 10 heavy rain (~2” lake depth increased) July 11 sunny and calm