White Lake
Ontario, Canada
1. Temperatures were taken at Secchi Depth. When sampling site depth was less than Secchi depth, temperatures were taken 1 M from bottom.
2. Water samples for total phosphorous were taken at Secchi Depth or when sampling site depth was less than Secchi depth, samples were taken 1 M from bottom.
3. All water samples were filtered through 80 micron filter prior to determination of total phosphorous.
4. Sampling dates were ideally the first of the month for temperature and Secchi depth and the 15th of the month for Secchi depth, temperature and total phosphorus. Some adjustments in timing had to be done to accommodate inclement weather and availability of personnel.
5. Total phosphorous water samples were not taken at the Pickerel Bay or Deepest Pickerel Bay locations as these locations were not part of the Lake Partners Program for 2016.

- Group: White Lake : White Lake Preservation Project
- Lat: 45.266712
- Lng: -76.550056
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
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