Howe Island Bay

St. Lawrence River

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Natural shoreline off road - fallen trees lining water and the sediment here is silty and soft (though not enough to get stuck).
Water here is shallow but moving slowly, clear.

Location created by
Emma Ehrenfeld

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Plants: WATER NYMPH, ALGAE, fanwort, eurasian milfoil, typha, willow trees
Fish: Bridle shiner, pugnose shiner, banded killifish, ROCK BASS, largemouth bass, tadpole madtom, brown bullhead, bluntnose minnow, yellow perch, round goby, tubenose goby

Invasive species: eurasian milfoil, round goby, tubenose goby.
Species at risk: bridle shiner, pugnose shiner.

10 Aug 13:00 by Emma Ehrenfeld

Amphibians: Leopard frog, bullfrog, green frog, American toad.
Reptiles: Eastern Garter snake.

Plants: Willow trees, typha sp., water plantain, tapegrass, elodea, wild grape.

Fish: Round goby, tubenose goby, brown bullhead catfish, tadpole madtom, pugnose shiners, BANDED KILLIFISH, bluntnose minnows, bridle shiners, mudminnows, largemouth bass, rock bass.

Invertebrates: Widow skimmer dragonfiles.

Invasive species: round gobies, tubenose gobies.

Species at risk: Pugnose shiner, bridle shiner.

17 Aug 13:10 by Emma Ehrenfeld