Jones Creek Mouth

Jones Creek

Ontario, Canada

Slow moving murky brown water, rocky shores near bridge and wetland as the creek continues. Soft bottom with high organic level - very easy to sink and get stuck!

Drops off very fast as you walk into the water away from the shore.

Hundreds of American eels were released here as part of recovery efforts for this species.

Location created by
Emma Ehrenfeld

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Birds: belted kingfisher, great blue heron, double crested cormorants.

Fish: Bridle shiners, round goby, largemouth bass, golden shiners, lepomis sp., bluegill sunfish, brown bullhead catfish.

Invertebrates: White river crayfish, freshwater sponge, bryozoan colonies, water striders, megeloptera, planarian sp., water boatmen, giant waterbugs (ouch bites feel like bee stings!), zebra mussels.

Amphibians: bullfrog (male and female captured).

Plants: Major and Minor species of duckweed, WATER MEAL, azolla filiculoides (water fern), sumac trees, wild grape, jewelweed, Mullen, purple loosestrife, typha sp., water marigold, COONTAIL, tapegrass, elodea, bladderwort, Eurasian milfoil, eggs and butter flowers.

Invasive species: azolla filiculoides (water fern), purple loosestrife, Eurasian milfoil, round goby. zebra mussels.

Species at risk: Bridle shiners.

25 Aug 09:57 by Emma Ehrenfeld