Snye Marsh

St. Lawrence River

Quebec, Canada

Sheltered wetland creek off main channel of river, very narrow and shallow, surrounded by tall grasses and little to no woody shrubs.

Barely any water movement and a VERY soft bottom (Be careful here if getting into the water - I sank to mid-thigh in mud at some points).

45.021120 -74.587442

Location created by
Emma Ehrenfeld

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Plants Purple loosetrife, phragmites, typha sp., bullrush, American burweed, elodea, arrowhead, pickrelweed, Fragrant white water lilies, Richardsons pondweed, sago, WATER NYMPH.

Insects: Water scoprion, dragonfly larvae, aquatic caterpillar, giant water bug (young stage), water boatmen.
Annelids: leeches
Gastropods: Bladder snail, amber snail, greater pond snail.

Amphibians: Green frog (heard).

Fish: Largemouth bass, bluegill sunfish, lepomis (sunfish) species too small to identify, broke silversides, golden shiner, yellow perch, brown bullhead catfish, pumpkinseed sunfish, mimic shiner, bluntnose minnow, blackchin shiner.

08 Aug 09:17 by Emma Ehrenfeld