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Watershed Stewardship Research Collaborative

Andrea's MSc

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8 Locations


Andrea Bresolin
100 Points
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This research is part of Andrea Bresolin's MSc thesis, where a team of graduate students at Carleton University will be sampling headwater streams across the Southern Laurentians ecoregion, documenting the impacts and legacy of timber harvesting on macroinvertebrate and fish communities.

Water testing protocol

The Water Rangers Freshwater Explorer test kit, alongside a pH meter provided by the WaterRangers team will be used to document standard water quality measures (temperature, pH, DO, conductivity, chlorine, alkalinity, hardness). A YSi ProDSS multiprobe will provide second replicates of most of these and include turbidity. Water samples for DOC, DOM, anions and cations will be collected and sent for laboratory testing.

Areas monitored