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Sign UpProtect Water Toronto
170 Points
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Without water, there is no life.
Gathering observations about the water surrounding Toronto as citizens passionate about protecting and honouring water while learning about our local ecosystems.
This group was started after learning about Water Rangers and I wanted a space for anyone in the area to join and collect data and participate in cleaning up pollution. As a member I plan on gathering observations to the group protocol and cleaning up pollution as much as I can.
Current Research:
Humber Bay Shores Park, Humber River, and Downtown Toronto along Lake Ontario in Canada!
Water testing protocol
Collect observations on your areas at least once per month with a note or photo on the pollution in the area. Create or add to a location you are confident you will get to consistently. Fill in as much information on the observation pages as you can.
Current focus on plastic pollution and wildlife biodiversity. Please add photos of pollution observed to your locations and note which species were observed in the area if you can identify.
Leave places better than you found them and more connected to your environment than when you arrived. Enjoy your time at the water!
Areas monitored
Toronto, ON