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The Living Lakes Canada National Lake Blitz Project was born out of the continuing need to help Canadians understand climate change impacts on the health of our rivers, lakes, wetlands, streams, and groundwater. An annual national Lake Blitz event will help to normalize water stewardship by providing simple, accessible, and engaging community-based water monitoring (CBWM) and citizen science opportunities for Canadians. The Lake Blitz event will demonstrate that all you need as a citizen scientist is a thermometer, camera, and a body of water that you are curious about and would love to help steward. Living Lakes Canada (LLC) is looking to recognize 10 Lake Blitz Hubs situated in one of 5 targeted sub-basins in Canadian watersheds to help spearhead this water stewardship initiative and assist with supporting participants throughout the country.
The National Lake Blitz will run from June through to September 2021.
Water testing protocol
The National Lake Blitz monitoring protocol gathers 3 parameters of lake health: water temperature, lake and shoreline photos and invasive species identification. Each participating monitoring volunteer will be given a Lake Blitz Kit designed by Water Rangers. Every kit contains a thermometer, a monitoring schedule magnet, field guide and datasheet. Volunteers are instructed to monitor at the same time and location each month until September 2021. Temperature readings will be taken 1-4 times per month and lake photos once per month. Monitors are encouraged to observe surrounding biodiversity and keep an eye out for invasive species, whenever possible during sampling. You can learn more about common aquatic invasive species in Canada and what to do if you think you've found one in your Lake Blitz field guide!
Areas monitored
330 Baker St,
Nelson, BC
V1L 4H5