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11880 Points

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350 Points
A sustainable community respects Earth's finite resources and natural systems. How we care for the earth, the air, the water, how we use energy, and how we organize our community are key ingredients in assuring a plentiful, vibrant future for our children. As trustees for Earth's well-being, our duty of care is to ensure that future generations will inherit a bountiful environmentally healthy world.
Even as our world is quickly changing and we face unprecedented challenges, many opportunities are emerging to improve community life in Prince Edward County by living sustainably.
What we do
The County Sustainability Group is involved in examining the specific challenges we will inevitably face because of global warming, climate change, peak oil, and resource constraints. If we act creatively, we have an opportunity to identify changes that can lead to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle and a healthier environment—one with cleaner air, abundant water, fertile land, renewable energy , and a vibrant, caring community.
Challenges will come. Working together, we are realistic enough, tough enough, and resilient enough to meet these challenges head on. The goal is to build a sustainable, prosperous, caring community by respecting Earth's planetary boundaries and by respecting life itself. We raise money each spring by selling rain barrels & composters, with all proceeds going towards supporting our 2 for PECI Environmental Students graduating and the other for young organic farmers in The County.
Water testing protocol
Monthly testing of both ends of the Black River system, from the headwaters in Milford at the Millpond ( both ends ) to the mouth of the river near where it meets Lake Ontario. We may scale back to seasonal testing as the year progresses , depending on what is learned and other conditions. We will begin each test with dissolved oxygen, then ph,alkalinity & hardness, then conductivity, surface water temp, air temp , then bottom depth and secchi depth. All other observations will be noted at the time of testing. Various other locations on lakes & rivers inside PEC and along the shores of Lake Ontario in the Quinte Region will also be tested at times during the spring to fall. Sailors in our group may take some readings out in Lake Ontario and on visits to New Brunswick twice a year we will take readings on the St. John river in Hartland. Annual readings on a few lakes and rivers along the way and into northern Ontario will also be done during visits there.
Areas monitored
Prince Edward County and Bay of Quinte