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Cariboo Heights Forest Preservation Society

Road Salt in Urban Creeks Project

510 Observations
0 Issues
6 Locations


Utta Gagel
14250 Points
Rubus Restoration
100 Points
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Our group educates, engages in stewardship activities, promotes citizen science and advocates for the protection of the forest, streams and wildlife in the Cariboo Heights Forest. This is a 100 year old second growth forest on the south bank of the Brunette River and is the last large unprotected part of the Brunette River watershed. This forest is significant for its diversity of wildlife and native plants despite being located in a major urban area between major arterial roads, and near a railway line, a pipeline and Highway 1.

Water testing protocol

We are collecting the following data:
-total dissolved solids
-water temperature
-air temperature
-weather for previous day and current day

Areas monitored

Burnaby, BC