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Algonquin College Students

23 Observations
3 Issues
17 Locations


Jennifer Valentine
3420 Points
Cale Jackson
800 Points
Clare Stone
550 Points
Jordan Wakefield
60 Points
Paul Cipriani
40 Points
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We would like this to be an open format for individuals with a passion for our environment, and hope to bring likeminded people together protecting our precious ecosystems.

This is an open group, ANYONE can join. You do not have to be a student to be a member. If you do not have training sampling water don't fret, we all had to start somewhere. If you require we can provide you with some tips for recording observations and data you wish to submit. The goal is to make this a great tool for providing continuing education for students in the environmental field. All students are welcome to join from any facility, This group was made to keep our sampling skills sharp and provide an open forum for data collected throughout the Ottawa Valley and around the world.

Water testing protocol

We will provide an outline to what information we would require for submitting observations for those without formal training or that do not have equipment to preform regular water quality testing.

Areas monitored

Ottawa, Ontario